Stop the war!

Stop the war in Ukraine! Fuck putin!

More information is at:

There is a fund to support the Ukrainian Army:, and there is a special bank account that accepts funds in multiple currencies: I donated to them. Please donate if you can!

Killer putin

Killer putin. Source:

Arrested putin

"It hasn't happened yet, but it will happen sooner or later. Beautiful photo, isn't it?" Source: twitter.

Fixing % in vim in js/tsx files

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I’ve started working with javascript/typescript files at work recently, and vim has been fine for my tasks. However after a while, I noticed that the % key sometimes didn’t work in js/tsx files, specifically I couldn’t jump between parenthesis ()/braces {} in a pair, e.g. in const foo = (bar) => { … };. I couldn’t find an answer to the “broken %” in vim online.

Creating birthdays calendar

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Yesterday I pushed a v0.5 release of my new tiny utility b2c. It solves the problem of generating a birthdays calendar for fastmail. Fastmail does have an autogenerated birthdays calendar feature, but it lacks any settings to setup reminders, and there are no reminders for those events by default, which makes it mostly useless to me.

b2c is a tool that reads a vCard 3.0 contacts file and generates an iCalendar calendar file with one event for each contact that has birthday information. Unfortunately fastmail doesn’t have official APIs to access contacts and calendars, so the workaround is to export the vcf file with all contacts, run b2c, and import the generated ics calendar file to fastmail via the web interface. Since my contacts list is pretty static, this is good enough for me.

Useful global shortcuts

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This is a short post of appreciation of computer keyboards, and shortcuts specifically. Global one key combination shortcuts (such as Cmd+c) are quick and incredibly useful; they are much faster to press when you need a program than for example moving your hand to the touchpad/mouse and fishing out the program from Dock or another place. They are global so they work anywhere in the system (as long as the program handling them is running).

Improving vCard parsing with megaparsec

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Last time I wrote about nested parsing of birthdays in vCards using megaparsec. That solution worked fine as far as I could tell, but there must’ve been a better way. And indeed there was! I’ll explore it and also refactor the vCard parser in this article. The changes (still based on the proof of concept) are at; there are individual commits for every distinct change described here.

Inner parsing with megaparsec

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For a small project, I need to parse the contact information from vcf files, which contain vCards (contact information). Specifically, the vCard 3.0 format defined by RFC 2426. And I only need contact’s name and birthday if any.

It’s a good project for me to learn more about parser combinators in Haskell. I’ve implemented a proof of concept using megaparsec because it has a great tutorial and produces good error messages. The code in this post is truncated and somewhat edited for (hopefully) easier understanding, but may not always make total sense, so you can take a look at the full working code in the PoC repository at

A story of recovering files

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One day I wanted to move a couple of files into the directory with the sources for this blog. It’s an often used directory, meaning fasd could help me with its path, but I used the wrong command, which resulted in this output and a bunch of missing files:

$ mv /Volumes/files/file{1,2} `fasd -d`
mv: rename 1 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1: No such file or directory
mv: rename 1.01117 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.01117: No such file or directory
mv: rename 1.01117 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.01117: No such file or directory
mv: rename /Volumes/disk/var/podcasts/backups/kazakh_v_kanade to /Users/user/Documents/var/kazakh_v_kanade: Permission denied
mv: rename 1.06288 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.06288: No such file or directory
mv: rename 1.06288 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.06288: No such file or directory
mv: rename 1.8225 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.8225: No such file or directory
mv: rename 1.88823 to /Users/user/Documents/var/1.88823: No such file or directory

Communicate UIKit to SwiftUI

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I needed to do a quick proof-of-concept for a project and instead of dealing with UITableViews (whose API looks so archaic now, you need both a datasource and a delegate, and a separate piece of state to hold the items for rows) and UIKit in general, I decided to try out SwiftUI for the first time to build a small piece of the PoC UI. Specifically, I needed to embed a SwiftUI view in a storyboard and be able to update its state. I’ve found a working solution after a lot of searching online because there were different pieces in different places. Here’s a short post and a sample repository on how to do that.

Fast swift rebuilds with fswatch

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I normally use AppCode rather than Xcode for iOS development because it’s so much more configurable and keyboard-friendly, which is even better with its ideavim plugin. Its biggest downside for me is that it eats a lot of CPU, especially while indexing when a project has been opened. High CPU usage means fast battery drain (and higher laptop temperature, and audible fans). One time I needed to “survive” on the MBP’s battery for several hours, so I couldn’t use AppCode.

Coincidentally, I had a task of importing data from some tables in a PDF file into swift models. That means pasting the table data in whatever format it got to be copied into the swift file, cleaning it up, adding regular structure to it (inserting commas, wrapping lines in function calls). An excellent usage of vim because of macros, registers, regexps. I wanted to have regular feedback though because the model types kept becoming more specific as I was adding more data. The solution was to use fswatch to automatically rebuild the project.

Aligning complex ways in JOSM

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OpenStreetMaps is an outstanding project to create free and open maps of the entire world, created and updated by people. I’ve been improving OSM for several years, mostly doing small edits in the default editor iD. It’s a good and easy choice for the beginners. Recently I tried JOSM and it blew my mind! There is so much functionality there to make mapping faster, more correct and even more fun, including the support for plugins, presets and themes!

Today I’d like to share a guide on how I aligned a part of a polygon with another polyline consisting of a bunch of nodes. To help with the explanations, several screenshots and one screen recording are provided.

Using fzf to pick an iOS Simulator

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I love using UNIX’s/Linux’s command line (aka shell, aka terminal) because it has excellent options for customizations and extensions. There are dozens of standard coreutils as well as hundreds (thousands?) of extra CLI utilities. Some tools can increase your productivity significantly once you get used to them; one of those is fzf — a fuzzy finder, which allows you to pick an item/a set of items from a list quickly. It has a number of useful commands and key bindings out of the box and of course you can write your own! That’s what I wanted to do to start using it more frequently and help with frequent actions.

My use case is to pick a booted iOS Simulator for a command. Most of the time I use one simulator, so a typical command for me would be xcrun simctl uninstall booted to uninstall an application from the booted simulator. However that command fails when I have 2+ open simulators, in which case I need to provide a UDID of the simulator I want to target. Do you easily remember the UDIDs of the simulators that you use often? I don’t, so the tiny task here is to get the UDID of a simulator by its name. That’s where fzf comes in. (Granted, in this case I’m unlikely to have dozens of simulators open at the same time to justify using a fuzzy finder, but I needed to start somewhere.)